Did you know that eclipses commonly come in pairs, with solar and lunar eclipses often happening within two weeks of one another. Eric has been lucky enough to witness a couple of totally eclipses, one up at a family cabin in Idaho in 2017, and a second two years later in Chile. Bryony on the other hand grew-up in the rainy land of the UK and has only experienced the darkness of an eclipse through thick cloud cover. We were fortunate enough to be able to witness an annular eclipse over the amazing sandstone pinnacles of Bryce Canyon.
Eric: 2017 eclipse over La Silla Observatory, Chile
Bry: Annular eclipse, Bryce Canyon, Utah, 2023
Eric: Bailey’s Beads during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho
Eric: Sun’s corona during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho
Eric: Sun’s corona during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho
Eric: Sun’s corona during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho
Eric: Sun’s corona during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho
Eric: Sun’s corona during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho
Eric: Sun’s corona during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho
Eric: Sun’s corona during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho
Eric: Sun’s corona and Earth shine during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho
Bry: Annular eclipse over Bryce Canyon, 2023
Eric: Compilation of 2017 eclipse, Stanley Idaho
Eric: Sun’s prominences during 2017 eclipse over Stanley, Idaho